Neptune Sextile Pluto in Natal Chart, 出生盤海冥六合的盤主性格分析


Millys Astro 玫栗星河
5 min readAug 24, 2022


Bernard Arnault & Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron 同時擁有海冥六合的盤主包含全球首富貝爾納·阿爾諾與法國總統馬克宏,也包含美國著名狂人川普和科技大亨比爾蓋茲
Aspect of sextile between Neptune & Pluto in Natal Chart, 海冥六合相占星符號示意圖

Neptune sextile Pluto natal gives a pioneering spirit. Natal can deconstruct any aspect of life, a system, belief or procedure. He/She can remove political, religious, cultural, and gender bias and reconstruct it in a more advanced and unadulterated state. And they are born to be inspired by truth and human potential.


The natal is good at tapping into the collective subconscious and can gauge the prevailing thoughts of humanity. He/she share with his/her generation a sense of where humanity is heading as a collective in an evolutionary sense, the natal may even take this shared sense of destiny to life in general, the planet, and ultimately to all of existence.


However these natal are truly a compulsive organizer and control freak of the highest order, yet others may see them as something quite different. They may show compulsive tendencies in daily life, but their higher thought processes seek order in chaos and simplicity in complexity.



Donald Trump, 美國前任總統川普

Emmanuel Macron, 法國現任總統馬克宏

Bernard Arnault, LVMH (路易威登頂級奢侈品) 集團 CEO|2021年全球首富

Bill Gates, 微軟創始人比爾蓋茲

Rafael Nadal, 網球男子選手|已拿下 22 座金盃

Milly Chen, 本文筆者 ([in 5 星求] YouTuber; [玫栗星河]週報專欄作家)




Millys Astro 玫栗星河
Millys Astro 玫栗星河

Written by Millys Astro 玫栗星河

I am an international astrologer (good at using software and big data to analyze astrolabe) got 10-years experience of it.